Top-100 Security Papers

This webpage is an attempt to assemble a ranking of top-cited papers from the area of computer security. The ranking has been created based on citations of papers published at top security conferences. More details are available here.

Top 100 papers from 1980 to 2025 ⌄

  1. 1
    Nicholas Carlini and David A. Wagner:
    Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Networks.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2017
    10260 cites at Google Scholar
    6749% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  2. 2
    Vipul Goyal, Omkant Pandey, Amit Sahai, and Brent Waters:
    Attribute-based encryption for fine-grained access control of encrypted data.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2006
    7308 cites at Google Scholar
    3819% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  3. 3
    John Bethencourt, Amit Sahai, and Brent Waters:
    Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2007
    7105 cites at Google Scholar
    3279% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  4. 4
    Martín Abadi, Andy Chu, Ian J. Goodfellow, H. Brendan McMahan, Ilya Mironov, Kunal Talwar, and Li Zhang:
    Deep Learning with Differential Privacy.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2016
    7086 cites at Google Scholar
    4213% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  5. 5
    Mihir Bellare and Phillip Rogaway:
    Random Oracles are Practical: A Paradigm for Designing Efficient Protocols.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 1993
    6707 cites at Google Scholar
    4405% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  6. 6
    Dorothy E. Denning:
    An Intrusion-Detection Model.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1986
    6468 cites at Google Scholar
    1597% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  7. 7
    Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, and Paul F. Syverson:
    Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2004
    6211 cites at Google Scholar
    2581% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  8. 8
    Laurent Eschenauer and Virgil D. Gligor:
    A key-management scheme for distributed sensor networks.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2002
    5586 cites at Google Scholar
    1954% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  9. 9
    Dawn Xiaodong Song, David A. Wagner, and Adrian Perrig:
    Practical Techniques for Searches on Encrypted Data.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2000
    5210 cites at Google Scholar
    2911% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  10. 10
    Reza Shokri, Marco Stronati, Congzheng Song, and Vitaly Shmatikov:
    Membership Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2017
    5160 cites at Google Scholar
    3345% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  11. 11
    Nicolas Papernot, Patrick D. McDaniel, Somesh Jha, Matt Fredrikson, Z. Berkay Celik, and Ananthram Swami:
    The Limitations of Deep Learning in Adversarial Settings.
    IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 2016
    5120 cites at Google Scholar
    3017% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  12. 12
    Haowen Chan, Adrian Perrig, and Dawn Xiaodong Song:
    Random Key Predistribution Schemes for Sensor Networks.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2003
    4453 cites at Google Scholar
    1462% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  13. 13
    Nicolas Papernot, Patrick D. McDaniel, Ian J. Goodfellow, Somesh Jha, Z. Berkay Celik, and Ananthram Swami:
    Practical Black-Box Attacks against Machine Learning.
    ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), 2017
    4389 cites at Google Scholar
    2830% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  14. 14
    Vern Paxson:
    Bro: A System for Detecting Network Intruders in Real-Time.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 1998
    4116 cites at Google Scholar
    1988% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  15. 15
    Giuseppe Ateniese, Randal C. Burns, Reza Curtmola, Joseph Herring, Lea Kissner, Zachary N. J. Peterson, and Dawn Xiaodong Song:
    Provable data possession at untrusted stores.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2007
    4099 cites at Google Scholar
    1849% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  16. 16
    Nicolas Papernot, Patrick D. McDaniel, Xi Wu, Somesh Jha, and Ananthram Swami:
    Distillation as a Defense to Adversarial Perturbations Against Deep Neural Networks.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2016
    3870 cites at Google Scholar
    2256% above average of year
    Visited: Nov-2024
    Paper: DOI
  17. 17
    Yao Liu, Michael K. Reiter, and Peng Ning:
    False data injection attacks against state estimation in electric power grids.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2009
    3809 cites at Google Scholar
    2004% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  18. 18
    Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly Shmatikov:
    Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2008
    3522 cites at Google Scholar
    2047% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  19. 19
    Kallista A. Bonawitz, Vladimir Ivanov, Ben Kreuter, Antonio Marcedone, H. Brendan McMahan, Sarvar Patel, Daniel Ramage, Aaron Segal, and Karn Seth:
    Practical Secure Aggregation for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2017
    3519 cites at Google Scholar
    2249% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  20. 20
    Matt Fredrikson, Somesh Jha, and Thomas Ristenpart:
    Model Inversion Attacks that Exploit Confidence Information and Basic Countermeasures.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2015
    3480 cites at Google Scholar
    2474% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  21. 21
    Matt Blaze, Joan Feigenbaum, and Jack Lacy:
    Decentralized Trust Management.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1996
    3471 cites at Google Scholar
    1975% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  22. 22
    Reza Curtmola, Juan A. Garay, Seny Kamara, and Rafail Ostrovsky:
    Searchable symmetric encryption: improved definitions and efficient constructions.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2006
    3467 cites at Google Scholar
    1759% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  23. 23
    Alessandro Acquisti and Ralph Gross:
    Imagined Communities: Awareness, Information Sharing, and Privacy on the Facebook.
    International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS), 2006
    3424 cites at Google Scholar
    1736% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  24. 24
    Stephanie Forrest, Alan S. Perelson, Lawrence Allen, and Rajesh Cherukuri:
    Self-nonself discrimination in a computer.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1994
    3284 cites at Google Scholar
    2944% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  25. 25
    Ahmed E. Kosba, Andrew Miller, Elaine Shi, Zikai Wen, and Charalampos Papamanthou:
    Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2016
    3268 cites at Google Scholar
    1889% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  26. 26
    Paul Kocher, Jann Horn, Anders Fogh, Daniel Genkin, Daniel Gruss, Werner Haas, Mike Hamburg, Moritz Lipp, Stefan Mangard, Thomas Prescher, Michael Schwarz, and Yuval Yarom:
    Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2019
    3200 cites at Google Scholar
    3098% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  27. 27
    Joseph A. Goguen and José Meseguer:
    Security Policies and Security Models.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1982
    3149 cites at Google Scholar
    1380% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  28. 28
    Stephanie Forrest, Steven A. Hofmeyr, Anil Somayaji, and Thomas A. Longstaff:
    A Sense of Self for Unix Processes.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1996
    3105 cites at Google Scholar
    1756% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  29. 29
    Yajin Zhou and Xuxian Jiang:
    Dissecting Android Malware: Characterization and Evolution.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2012
    3092 cites at Google Scholar
    1731% above average of year
    Visited: Nov-2024
    Paper: DOI
  30. 30
    Thomas Ristenpart, Eran Tromer, Hovav Shacham, and Stefan Savage:
    Hey, you, get off of my cloud: exploring information leakage in third-party compute clouds.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2009
    3060 cites at Google Scholar
    1590% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  31. 31
    Ari Juels and Burton S. Kaliski Jr.:
    Pors: proofs of retrievability for large files.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2007
    2954 cites at Google Scholar
    1305% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  32. 32
    Daniel Arp, Michael Spreitzenbarth, Malte Hubner, Hugo Gascon, and Konrad Rieck:
    DREBIN: Effective and Explainable Detection of Android Malware in Your Pocket.
    Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2014
    2907 cites at Google Scholar
    1915% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  33. 33
    Reza Shokri and Vitaly Shmatikov:
    Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2015
    2902 cites at Google Scholar
    2046% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  34. 34
    Sencun Zhu, Sanjeev Setia, and Sushil Jajodia:
    LEAP: efficient security mechanisms for large-scale distributed sensor networks.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2003
    2786 cites at Google Scholar
    877% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  35. 35
    Manos Antonakakis, Tim April, Michael D. Bailey, Matt Bernhard, Elie Bursztein, Jaime Cochran, Zakir Durumeric, J. Alex Halderman, Luca Invernizzi, Michalis Kallitsis, Deepak Kumar, Chaz Lever, Zane Ma, Joshua Mason, Damian Menscher, Chad Seaman, Nick Sullivan, Kurt Thomas, and Yi Zhou:
    Understanding the Mirai Botnet.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2017
    2752 cites at Google Scholar
    1737% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  36. 36
    Donggang Liu and Peng Ning:
    Establishing pairwise keys in distributed sensor networks.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2003
    2680 cites at Google Scholar
    840% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  37. 37
    Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Ian Miers, Eran Tromer, and Madars Virza:
    Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from Bitcoin.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2014
    2678 cites at Google Scholar
    1757% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  38. 38
    Donggang Liu and Peng Ning:
    Efficient Distribution of Key Chain Commitments for Broadcast Authentication in Distributed Sensor Networks.
    Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2003
    2677 cites at Google Scholar
    839% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  39. 39
    Loi Luu, Duc-Hiep Chu, Hrishi Olickel, Prateek Saxena, and Aquinas Hobor:
    Making Smart Contracts Smarter.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2016
    2669 cites at Google Scholar
    1525% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  40. 40
    Martín Abadi, Mihai Budiu, Úlfar Erlingsson, and Jay Ligatti:
    Control-flow integrity.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2005
    2652 cites at Google Scholar
    1268% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  41. 41
    Karl Koscher, Alexei Czeskis, Franziska Roesner, Shwetak N. Patel, Tadayoshi Kohno, Stephen Checkoway, Damon McCoy, Brian Kantor, Danny Anderson, Hovav Shacham, and Stefan Savage:
    Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Automobile.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2010
    2592 cites at Google Scholar
    1474% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  42. 42
    Úlfar Erlingsson, Vasyl Pihur, and Aleksandra Korolova:
    RAPPOR: Randomized Aggregatable Privacy-Preserving Ordinal Response.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2014
    2502 cites at Google Scholar
    1635% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  43. 43
    Crispin Cowan, Calton Pu, Dave Maier, Heather Hintony, Jonathan Walpole, Peat Bakke, Steve Beattie, Aaron Grier, Perry Wagle, and Qian Zhang:
    StackGuard: Automatic Adaptive Detection and Prevention of Buffer-Overflow Attacks.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 1998
    2458 cites at Google Scholar
    1147% above average of year
    Visited: Nov-2024
    Paper: DOI
  44. 44
    James Newsome and Dawn Xiaodong Song:
    Dynamic Taint Analysis for Automatic Detection, Analysis, and SignatureGeneration of Exploits on Commodity Software.
    Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2005
    2454 cites at Google Scholar
    1166% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  45. 45
    Ralph C. Merkle:
    Protocols for Public Key Cryptosystems.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1980
    2355 cites at Google Scholar
    991% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  46. 46
    Florian Tramèr, Fan Zhang, Ari Juels, Michael K. Reiter, and Thomas Ristenpart:
    Stealing Machine Learning Models via Prediction APIs.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2016
    2319 cites at Google Scholar
    1312% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  47. 47
    Stephen Checkoway, Damon McCoy, Brian Kantor, Danny Anderson, Hovav Shacham, Stefan Savage, Karl Koscher, Alexei Czeskis, Franziska Roesner, and Tadayoshi Kohno:
    Comprehensive Experimental Analyses of Automotive Attack Surfaces.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2011
    2296 cites at Google Scholar
    1281% above average of year
    Visited: Nov-2024
    Paper: DOI
  48. 48
    Tal Garfinkel and Mendel Rosenblum:
    A Virtual Machine Introspection Based Architecture for Intrusion Detection.
    Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2003
    2294 cites at Google Scholar
    705% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  49. 49
    Payman Mohassel and Yupeng Zhang:
    SecureML: A System for Scalable Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2017
    2279 cites at Google Scholar
    1421% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  50. 50
    Ari Juels and Martin Wattenberg:
    A Fuzzy Commitment Scheme.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 1999
    2273 cites at Google Scholar
    1231% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  51. 51
    Steven M. Bellovin and Michael Merritt:
    Encrypted key exchange: password-based protocols secure against dictionary attacks.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1992
    2264 cites at Google Scholar
    2384% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  52. 52
    David Moore, Geoffrey M. Voelker, and Stefan Savage:
    Inferring Internet Denial-of-Service Activity.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2001
    2231 cites at Google Scholar
    886% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  53. 53
    Blaise Gassend, Dwaine E. Clarke, Marten van Dijk, and Srinivas Devadas:
    Silicon physical random functions.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2002
    2213 cites at Google Scholar
    714% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  54. 54
    Weilin Xu, David Evans, and Yanjun Qi:
    Feature Squeezing: Detecting Adversarial Examples in Deep Neural Networks.
    Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2018
    2190 cites at Google Scholar
    1646% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  55. 55
    Wenke Lee and Salvatore J. Stolfo:
    Data Mining Approaches for Intrusion Detection.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 1998
    2188 cites at Google Scholar
    1010% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  56. 56
    Robin Sommer and Vern Paxson:
    Outside the Closed World: On Using Machine Learning for Network Intrusion Detection.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2010
    2162 cites at Google Scholar
    1213% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  57. 57
    Adrienne Porter Felt, Erika Chin, Steve Hanna, Dawn Song, and David A. Wagner:
    Android permissions demystified.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2011
    2152 cites at Google Scholar
    1195% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  58. 58
    Giuseppe Ateniese, Kevin Fu, Matthew Green, and Susan Hohenberger:
    Improved Proxy Re-Encryption Schemes with Applications to Secure Distributed Storage.
    Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2005
    2145 cites at Google Scholar
    1007% above average of year
    Visited: Nov-2024
    Paper: DOI
  59. 59
    Arthur Gervais, Ghassan O. Karame, Karl Wüst, Vasileios Glykantzis, Hubert Ritzdorf, and Srdjan Capkun:
    On the Security and Performance of Proof of Work Blockchains.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2016
    2134 cites at Google Scholar
    1199% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  60. 60
    Martín Abadi and Andrew D. Gordon:
    A Calculus for Cryptographic Protocols: The Spi Calculus.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 1997
    2133 cites at Google Scholar
    1029% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  61. 61
    Wenke Lee, Salvatore J. Stolfo, and Kui W. Mok:
    A Data Mining Framework for Building Intrusion Detection Models.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1999
    2084 cites at Google Scholar
    1120% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  62. 62
    Ian T. Foster, Carl Kesselman, Gene Tsudik, and Steven Tuecke:
    A Security Architecture for Computational Grids.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 1998
    2079 cites at Google Scholar
    955% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  63. 63
    Hovav Shacham:
    The geometry of innocent flesh on the bone: return-into-libc without function calls (on the x86).
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2007
    2062 cites at Google Scholar
    881% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  64. 64
    Alma Whitten and J. Doug Tygar:
    Why Johnny Can't Encrypt: A Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 1999
    2050 cites at Google Scholar
    1100% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  65. 65
    David D. Clark and D. R. Wilson:
    A Comparison of Commercial and Military Computer Security Policies.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1987
    2022 cites at Google Scholar
    1158% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  66. 66
    Mahmood Sharif, Sruti Bhagavatula, Lujo Bauer, and Michael K. Reiter:
    Accessorize to a Crime: Real and Stealthy Attacks on State-of-the-Art Face Recognition.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2016
    2002 cites at Google Scholar
    1119% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  67. 67
    Moritz Lipp, Michael Schwarz, Daniel Gruss, Thomas Prescher, Werner Haas, Anders Fogh, Jann Horn, Stefan Mangard, Paul Kocher, Daniel Genkin, Yuval Yarom, and Mike Hamburg:
    Meltdown: Reading Kernel Memory from User Space.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2018
    1995 cites at Google Scholar
    1490% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  68. 68
    Oleg Sheyner, Joshua W. Haines, Somesh Jha, Richard Lippmann, and Jeannette M. Wing:
    Automated Generation and Analysis of Attack Graphs.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2002
    1971 cites at Google Scholar
    625% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  69. 69
    Yuval Yarom and Katrina Falkner:
    FLUSH+RELOAD: A High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2014
    1964 cites at Google Scholar
    1262% above average of year
    Visited: Jul-2024
    Paper: DOI
  70. 70
    C. Christopher Erway, Alptekin Küpçü, Charalampos Papamanthou, and Roberto Tamassia:
    Dynamic provable data possession.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2009
    1920 cites at Google Scholar
    960% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  71. 71
    J. Alex Halderman, Seth D. Schoen, Nadia Heninger, William Clarkson, William Paul, Joseph A. Calandrino, Ariel J. Feldman, Jacob Appelbaum, and Edward W. Felten:
    Lest We Remember: Cold Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2008
    1910 cites at Google Scholar
    1064% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  72. 72
    Luca Melis, Congzheng Song, Emiliano De Cristofaro, and Vitaly Shmatikov:
    Exploiting Unintended Feature Leakage in Collaborative Learning.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2019
    1893 cites at Google Scholar
    1792% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  73. 73
    Christina Warrender, Stephanie Forrest, and Barak A. Pearlmutter:
    Detecting Intrusions using System Calls: Alternative Data Models.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 1999
    1892 cites at Google Scholar
    1008% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  74. 74
    Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly Shmatikov:
    De-anonymizing Social Networks.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2009
    1843 cites at Google Scholar
    918% above average of year
    Visited: Nov-2024
    Paper: DOI
  75. 75
    Joseph Bonneau, Andrew Miller, Jeremy Clark, Arvind Narayanan, Joshua A. Kroll, and Edward W. Felten:
    SoK: Research Perspectives and Challenges for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies.
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2015
    1827 cites at Google Scholar
    1251% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  76. 76
    Min Du, Feifei Li, Guineng Zheng, and Vivek Srikumar:
    DeepLog: Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis from System Logs through Deep Learning.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2017
    1810 cites at Google Scholar
    1108% above average of year
    Visited: Jan-2025
    Paper: DOI
  77. 77
    Patrice Godefroid, Michael Y. Levin, and David A. Molnar:
    Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing.
    Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2008
    1779 cites at Google Scholar
    984% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  78. 78
    Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson, and Nicholas Weaver:
    How to Own the Internet in Your Spare Time.
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2002
    1776 cites at Google Scholar
    553% above average of year
    Visited: Dec-2024
    Paper: DOI
  79. 79
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